• Are psychedelics legal in Australia?

    Only MDMA and Psilocybin have been placed under Schedule 8 ‘Controlled Drugs’ of the Therapeutic Goods Administration Poisons Standard. This means only an Approved Prescriber is able to prescribe these substances.

  • Where can I find an Authorised Prescriber?

    Australia is in the early stages of implementing these services, and as of now, there is no centralized directory for finding an Authorised Prescriber. We are actively monitoring developments in this area and will update this information as it becomes available. Please check back for updates on how to locate an Authorised Prescriber in the future.

  • Where can I obtain psychedelic medicines?

    PIA is a consultancy and education organisation and as such we do not offer any recommendations or advice in accessing psychedelic-assisted therapy.

  • Where can I find legal access to Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy?

    Currently, the legal pathways in Australia are:

    a) Psilocybin-assisted Psychotherapy for Treatment-Resistant Depression, or MDMA for Treatment-Resistant PTSD. Both can only be provided by an Approved Prescriber, who is a psychiatrist who is registered as having met strict criteria laid down by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

    b) Being part of a research study.

  • Can I become part of a research study?

    Participation eligibility varies based on the study and its specific criteria. Research studies typically outline participant requirements in their advertisements and may be open to discussing your eligibility.

  • I have a condition other than depression or PTSD. Can I be helped?

    Currently, it is not possible to access psychedelic-assisted therapy for conditions other than depression or PTSD due to legal restrictions. However, there are established treatments available for various conditions, and your GP can assist you in finding an appropriate treatment and therapist.